Ancient BC
Every week, Y'all Boys are out here to give you nuggets of wisdom...mostly by showing you how it's not done... Max learns that spite won't make his vision better, the returning Steve realizes the importance of checking his emails, Josh learns about illegally installing speed bumps and Frank learns that it's hard to complete your challenges when you double the amount of them every week.
The #STTT of the Week goes to Maika and Maritza Moulite, Haitian-American authors of the young adult novel "Dear Haiti, Love Alaine" which is about a girl getting to know her mother, her culture and herself in a dazzling effort to make it clear that Black girls can go on hilarious, crazy life-changing adventures too.
Dear Haiti, Love Alaine: Available on Amazon
Twitter Thread on the Abaco Island in the Bahamas
Couch to 5k App:
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This episode is sponsored by Get Off Your A** and Water
Theme Song "Won't Stop" by Jeanomusic and Interstitial Music by ADN Lewis